The School follows the Public School System and still maintains a well-planned, organized Prefectorial and Monitorial System headed by the four main office bearers: The Head Boy, Head Girl, Vice Head Boy and Vice Head Girl to assist the staff in maintaining discipline whilethe four Houses Captains help to see that the sports and extra-curricular Programmes as perthe calendar is followed and maximum pupils of the Houses participate.

The Classes of the School are divided into different Houses and Sports, Games, Co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities are carried out on an Inter House-basis.

A separate play ground is set aside forthe Pre-Primary Section with facilitiesforthe TinyTots.

Apart from the Annual Athletic Meet and Junior Section Sports Days and Inter House matches, the school hosts The FrankAnthony Memorial Inter School Football, Cricket, Basketball and Volleyball matches the R. G. Williams Memorial Cricket, The Joyce O'Brien Football Tournament for the Junior Teams and the Delhi State Inter-School Karate Championships. Leading Schools of Delhi are invited to participate in these tournaments.

The Multipurpose Complex was constructed in 2001 to promote and encourage Basketball, Tennis and Badminton. It is also used for Physical Educational Training during the rainy season and hot summer months. Co-curricular activities are of paramount importance for the pupils in the development of personality and leadership. These activities prepare them to face the challenges of life. Interpersonal ski lis, confidence, poise and reliability are some of the qualities developed through co- curricular activities. Hence, such activities are an essential part of the school programme and compulsoryforall pupils. The activities include Drama, Debate, Symposiums, Declamation, Elocution, Art and Craft, Talent Development, Quiz, NCC for boys and girls, Scouts, Guides and Cubs for boys and girls. Karate classes and competitions are held regularly.

Whenever possible, pupils are offered the opportunity and encouraged to participate in extramural competitions.

The School also hosts Annual Inter -School Competitions, known as ECOs -the Economics and Commerce Symposium, Symbiosis - Science Symposium & Quiz, Spectrum -The English Declamation Contest, Inter School Hindi Debate Competitions, and Colorfest, an Inter school Art & Craft competition. These are Annual fixtures and leading schools are invited to participate.

With all these co-curricular and extra curricular activities we feel that apart from striving for high standards of excellence in academics, it is necessary to impart a strong sense of personal integrity and the fundamental human values in order to equip them with the qualities they would need to be mature and responsible citizens of India's secular democracy.

Keeping this in mind we have made FAPS a happy friendly place and not a place where children feel alienated, bored, hurt, persecuted or threatened. We strongly believe that children are important people worthy of respect and our School should be a place which facilitates, fosters and nurtures children's learning.